Formulir Surat Setoran Pajak
Jan 05, 2018 Form SPOP, SSPD, SPTPD dan Formulir Pendaftaran Pajak Jakarta 5 January 2018 Written by upthumas01 Berikut ini form Surat Pendaftaran Objek Pajak Daerah (SPOPD), Surat Pemberitahuan Pajak Daerah (SPPD), Surat Setoran Pajak Daerah (SSPD), Formulir Pendaftaran Wajib Pajak Daerah Badan, Formulir Pendaftaran Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi.
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Surat Setoran Elektronik Versi 1
» » Individual / Personal Income Taxes in IndonesiaThis is a brief overview of the requirements, calculation and paymentof personal income taxes in Indonesia. The Employer's and Individual's Role in Personal IncomeTaxYour employer is the body responsible for the calculation of any taxes that need to be withheld from your salary, monthly paymentof these taxes to the tax authorities, and provision of annual numbers to the employee. The individual employee must then file an annual income tax return for the year in question.Under theold system, the income tax of an individual who only has one source ofincome was processed by his or her employer.