Vim Copy File Contents Clipboard

Posted on  by admin

This question already has an answer here:.3 answersAlways, I am using vim as my text editor. But, when I want to copy full file's content in clipboard to paste another place I open the file in gedit and press Ctrl A and then Ctrl C.Opening the file in text editor and pressing Ctrl A and then Ctrl C is overhead to me. Because I have to open the file in text editor, although I don't edit the file.So, if there is any command that can copy the file's content in clipboard it better.e.g.clip file.txtThere also a possibility to gain this feature in vim by mapping Ctrl A to some command or make a clip command to copy.

  1. Vim Copy File Contents Clipboard On Mac
Vim Copy File Contents ClipboardCopy

Error application express installation requires the oracle xml database database component. How can I copy all of the text back into the primary clipboard for pasting? Note that I use iTerm2 and the ability to use. isn't there as it is with the basic osx terminal app. I don't want to copy to a vim internal register (such as the y yank command), I want to copy to the system clipboard. Also, I want the contents of the whole file.

Vim Copy File Contents Clipboard On Mac

But, I don't know how to copy entire file in vim using command.N.B. My vim doesn't support +clipboard.