Vethathiri Maharishi Books

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  2. Vethathiri Maharishi Books

Shri VethathiriMaharishi's BooksSKYbooks in English & Tamil can be purchasedeither directly from the respective SKY C entresor contact Mr P.Krishnamurthy at96387274 or send mail to.More books in English & Tamil are available from1.1Bio-MagnetismA small work concentrated and limited to the subject of bio-magnetism:its nature, production, protection, value an duse in everyone's life.1.3Karma YogaMaybe read best after WorldOrder of Holistic Unity:more theoretical and abstract; topics include Body, Life, Mind, Godand Evolution of Universe and Living Beings. Chapters on the Greatness ofWoman, Benefits of Blessings, and of course, Vethathiri Maharishi's interpretationof the meaning of 'Karma Yoga'.1.4The World Order Of Holistic UnityThis is abasic book to introduce the student to SKY theory and practices. Highlyrecommended; simple and succinct. (This book is a revised and edited versionof Yoga for Modern Age)1.5Philosophy of Universal MagnetismSwamiji'sfirst book on his cosmological model: coverseverything from the emergence ofthe fundamental particle, through the evolution ofuniverse, evolution of life and links all with humankind up tothe present. The importance ofmaintaining good health and universal brotherhoodare also discussed.1.6Bliss Beyond Words & Other PoemsIt is atranslation of Sri Vethathiri Maharishi's Tamil poems into English verses, adifficult job but well accomplished. It contain 80 poems touching on avariety of subjects and is a great boon to the non-Tamil readers who wish toget a flavour of Sri Vethathiri Maharishi's poetry.1.7 Simplified PhysicalExercisesAs explained by Swamiji in hisinimitably lucid style, the purpose of the exercises is not merely to helpbuild healthy bones and sinews. A strengthened body fortifies the mind,which then tends to identify the purpose of life and enables and equips oneto be freed from adverse imprints of the past.

Vethathiri maharishi yoga tamil book

Hand writing of vethathiri maharishi has been published by Dr. P.Sakthi kumaravel in his book in tamil “Vethathiri maharishiyin padaipulagam”.Readers can go through entire compilation work about maharishi works in this book. GiftABook11: Vethathiri Maharishi's Mind book is for you if you reply to this post first. My personal copy. First come first serve.

That's why, the SimplifiedPhysical Exercises are an integral part of one's spiritual development.

Shri Vethathiri Maharishi was born in 1911 in the village of Guduvancheri, 30 km south of Chennai, India, into an indigent weaver’s family. From his youth he was driven by the desire for knowledge and in particular strove to find answers to three questions:What is God? What is life? Why is poverty in the world?The search to find these answers as well as to further his lot in life led him into various fields of endeavor, including becoming a qualified practitioner of two systems of Indian indigenous medicine, Ayurveda and Siddha, and certified practitioner Homeopathy as well.

Vethathiri Maharishi Tamil Website


Life HistoryAfter spending several years in various minor employments, he established a textile concern that grew to employ over 2000 workers on a profit sharing basis that would be thought progressive even today.Although constantly busy with family and business matters, he always found time to pursue his deep desire to achieve self-realization and realization of Truth. Several years of intense meditation and introspection brought him full enlightenment at the age of thirty five. Spiritual LeaderAt the age of fifty he closed his commercial ventures and devoted himself solely to spiritual service so as to guide sincere spiritual aspirants by transmitting and sharing with them his experiences and revelations of Truth.Even though his life has long been dedicated spiritual and social service he has remained a “householder”, i.e. He has not broken his family ties and taken vows of renunciation, but rather lived in the indigenous Siddha tradition, maintaining family ties and fulfilling his duties.

Vethathiri’s science of living (Vethathiriyam)Vethathiri’s lifetime works are called Vethathiriyam, which literally translates as a roadmap to the mountain of knowledge. He claimed that a deep understanding of nature is essential for living in harmony with the law of nature, while balancing material well-being with spiritual progress.Vethathiri Maharishi’s claimed to synthesize a complete science of living for the betterment of humanity through: Simplified Kundalini Yoga meditation, Physical Exercises, Kaya Kalpa Yoga and Introspections. Author / WritterFrom his enlightenment till today, Shri Vethathiri Maharishi has received knowledge of the origin and functions of the cosmos and all aspects of life, as Nature revealed to his inner vision.During these years he has spontaneously written over 2000 poems on philosophical subjects. He remains dedicated to serving his fellow beings by conveying his understanding of universe and the One Supreme Power through his speeches and writings. He wrote about 80 books, many of which became academic textbooks. In the Indian Philosophical tradition, his philosophy corresponds to pure advice. Wrote over 2000 poems on philosophical subjects.

Vethathiri Maharishi Books

Authored about 80 books in Tamil and English. In the Indian Philosophical tradition, his philosophy corresponds to pure advaits; it may be called pantheistic monism. His language and attitudes are contemporary, non-sectarian and non-dogmatic. As of date, he has authored about 70 books in Tamil and English. Model of the UniverseShri Vethathiri Maharishi gives us a comprehensive and integrated revelation of the existence and functions of the One Reality; his exposition from the origin of the cosmos to the observed natural phenomena comprises the Vethathiriyan Model of the Universe.With this comprehensive view, science and religion are reconciled and unified, to their mutual enhancement and completion.By integrating science and religion, global harmony and peace will follow, based on universal understanding of One Truth, and reverence and respect for all its manifestations.