Getopenfilename Default File Path Windows

Posted on  by admin
File path references
  1. Application.getopenfilename Xlsx
  2. Vba Chdir Not Working

Hi,I cannot figure out how to get a default path using the GetOpenFilename. I just want the open box default file path to look at 'C:trainingWindows'I dont want the file name, included, so they can pick it.I have this.UpdateFile = Application.GetOpenFilename('Update File (.csv),.csv')Workbooks.Open Filename:=UpdateFile-Which works fine i just would like, to know how to put the default file path in as well.ANy help would be greatly appreciated.Daz.

Application.getopenfilename Xlsx


Vba Chdir Not Working

I want to open a QFileDialog with a specific default directory to select a file. Argument 'url' of QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl seems to be made for that, but I can't make it work.